Table Grape
APC Table Grape Producers' Committee
2024/ 2025 Table Grape Maturity Inspections
We wish to advise that inspections, to ensure table grapes meet minimum standards of maturity will be carried out at the central markets in Canning Vale, distribution Centre’s and wholesale and retail outlets throughout Western Australia.
The standards have been approved by the Executive Director Biosecurity, Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development. The grower organisation has been notified in accordance with regulation 46 of the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Agriculture Standards) Regulations 2013. The maturity standard applies from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025.
Inspections are funded by the Agricultural Produce Commission, Table Grape Producers’ Committee on behalf of the tablegrape industry. Inspections will be carried out under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM) and the BAM (Agriculture Standards) Regulations 2013, by authorized inspectors from Total Quality Assurance Systems (TQAS).
These inspections will ensure table grapes offered for sale have an appropriate level of maturity thus providing consumer satisfaction and encourage repeat sales.
For further information please contact;
Mr. Tony Kundid
Chairperson, APC Table Grape Producers’ Committee
Mobile: 0438 932 372
The APC Table Grape Producers’ Committee was established in 1991 and was the first producers’ committee established under the APC Act 1988.
The Committee covers all Western Australian table grape producers.
Committee Membership
The Committee consists of four table grape producers from Western Australia.
Committee members are elected for a three year period with terms commencing in June and ending in May of the relevant year.
Members may apply for re-election once their period of tenure has expired.
When positions becomes vacant the Commission calls for applications from growers who might be interested in applying for membership on the Committee. This is done by placing advertisements in statewide newspapers, on the APC website and in relevant industry newsletters. Should you have an interest in applying, please contact the Commission at and your name will be placed on a register of interested persons.
In line with good Committee governance the Committee strives to achieve a balanced Board, with members possessing experience in a range of areas.
Member | Terms | Contact information
Tony Kundid | Sept 2023 - 2026 | 0438 932 372Matt Katich | 2022 - 2025 |
Peter Nuich | 2023 - 2026|
David Bumbak | 2021 - 2024 |
Vaughan Rayner | 2023 - 2026 |
All terms are three years commencing in June (unless otherwise stated)
The Table Grape Committee is enabled to provide service (a) to (L) and (m) as listed in the Functions of an APC Producers’ Committee.
Services undertaken by the Committee
Expenditure of Fee for Service funds is mainly directed towards promotion and table grape inspections services.
The proposed Services to be provided 2024/2025 includes the following activities:
Minimum Maturity Standards Research (DPIRD)
TG Maturity Assessment (TQAS)
Industry Strategic Planning
A review of Committee activities can be found in the APC Annual Report.
Fee for Service
The Fee for Service is based on three standard carton sizes, these being:
18 litre carton @ 7 cents carton
22 litre carton @ 9 cents carton
36 litre carton @ 14 cents carton
Fee for service converted to kilogram $0.007 per kilogram
Fee for Service Returns are remitted electronically in the Table Grape FFS Return Form.
To assist in compliance procedures the Committee forwards Fee for Service return forms to producers at the end of each growing season. Producers then complete and return these with their payments.
The regulations for the collection of WA table grape fee for service are covered by the Agricultural Produce (Horticultural Industry) Regulations 2001.