Funding Application

Current Opportunities

Potato Producers’ Committee

Call for 2025/26 Funding Proposals

Applications Open: Monday 17th February 2025 Strict Closing date: Wednesday 12th March

In 2023/24, more than $550k was invested to deliver services of benefit to Western Australian potato producers. The APC Potato Producers’ Committee is calling for proposals for funding for 2025/26 for the delivery of services, projects or research which will deliver value for Western Australian potato producers.


The Committee are seeking proposals for services or projects which deliver one or more of the following:

·       WA potato industry promotion and representation of growers,

·       Research and development on any matter of value to WA potato growers,

·       Marketing and promotion activities to drive consumer demand for WA ware potatoes.

Funding Available

As a general guide, based on previous years, a total pool of $425k is expected to be available for 2025/26 industry and R&D initiatives, with an additional pool of up to $90k for 2025/26 marketing and promotion activities. The Producers’ Committee may approve proposals less than or in excess of these guidelines.

The Potato Producers’ Committee remains committed to delivering the best value for potato producer fees, and encourages applicants to submit proposals which represent leveraged funding / co-funding opportunities.

Evaluation Criteria

Members of the Potato Producers’ Committee will evaluate proposals based on:

  • Alignment: How well the proposal addresses current needs and priorities of WA potato fee-for-service payers

  • Impact: The level of benefit to potato producers

  • Value: The overall value for money

  • Likelihood of success: The quality of the proposal and demonstrated ability of the applicant to successfully deliver the proposed outcomes.

How to Apply

  • Download and Complete the Project Proposal Summary Form

  • Attach due diligence documents, detailed project proposals and other supporting documents as required.

  • Submit to before close of business on Wednesday 12th March 2025

Upcoming Opportunities

General Call: Agricultural Produce Commission 2025/26 Project Funding

Each year, APC Producers’ Committees identify the services to be provided for producers, seek vendors to assist in the delivery of those projects and services and recommend a fee-for-service charge to recover the costs of delivering those services.

To assist Committees in their deliberations, the Commission will soon be inviting applications for the 2025/26 funding of projects and services which provide a benefit for fee-for-service payers. Applications are due to open 10 March 2025, and close 6 April 2025. Further details about the nature of the proposals sought including any eligibility criteria, will be publicly released before 10th March 2025.

To learn more about projects which have been funded and delivered for Producers previously, check out the APC 2023/24 Annual Report.


  • Email

  • Mail
    Agricultural Produce Commission, PO Box 7205, Karawara, WA 6152 or directly to the Committee if you have already had a discussions with them about the project application.

  • Phone
    +61 (08) 9368 3127

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